SAT-Apéro: February 21, 2025 - 18:30h

Dear SAT-Members, compatriots and friends,

We are preparing for the next SAT-Apéro, which will take place on February 21, 2025.

A very rich buffet,once again GUARANTEED WITHOUT traditional Swiss Raclette a discretion, WITHOUT Alphütte’s bacon, TOTALLY NO Bratwurst, also the Sauerkraut WILL BE MISSING, SAME FOR THE the Potatoes.

Instead we’ll prepare a selection of cold cuts,

g’Hackets mit Hörnli,

Bread and, however, Pommfritt (the latter only because Paul wants’em…).

There is a small charge for the buffet at NT$ 300/person for members and NT$ 600/person for guests.
Drinks are paid directly to the restaurant.

There is no requirement to make a reservation.

Regardless of whether you are a member or not, we hope to see many of you to enjoy a pleasant evening of fun together.

HOWEVER, this is a good opportunity to pay your 2025 membership-fee.


The Three Lions Inn

No. 1, Yumen Street
Zhongshan District
Taipei City, 10491
Phone: 02 2597 9716


MRT: Tamsui-Xinyi Line (RED Line)
YuanShan Station, Exit. 1