Founded on November 14, 1990, the Swiss Association of Taiwan (also known as the “Swiss Club” or “SAT”) serves as a liaison between Swiss expatriates living in Taiwan and their friends, lends support to charities in Taiwan mostly with some Swiss connection and occasionally offers support to members in distress.
All directors and board members are honorary positions. They perform their functions as a pro bono service to the Swiss community in Taiwan.
The association meets regularly for social affairs as well as to discuss matters relevant to the management of the association. At events, members always have preferential pricing.
En uuhuerä Siech voll
neui Terminä !
Lueg, dass chasch debii sii !
SAT-Apéro im mittlerä Weschtä
Another one in Taichung
SAT-Apéro im 3L z’ShüLin
Mal luegä. was es gitt…
SAT-Apéro im 3L z’ShüLin
Mer wüssed nonig, was es gitt…
SAT-Apéro im 3L z’ShüLin
Kei Ahnig, was mer mached…